Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dedicated Servers, Virtual hidden Servers and Colocation - Applications in a Web 2.0 World

iPad Journalisim

Rupert Murdoch's daily launched this week, he has been at the forefront of trying to monetize journalism for a while.... Almost trying to shut the door after the horse has bolted. Yes he is the archetypal media magnet and maybe if he manages to take over sky broadcasting thoroughly he will have too much power in the media to push his own agenda. That said, he has been retention up the Sunday Times as a lossmaking enterprise for an very long time now simply because person has to furnish ability journalism at some point. Anyone you think of him he has kept an awful of people in work.


Heavy Set up Costs

Murdoch stated, these "new times request new journalism." yearly subscriptions to The Daily will cost per year. In terms of cost of production, Murdoch said that the development of The Daily set News Corp. Back by million or so, but will only cost the media conglomerate 0,000 per week in doing costs.

Data centres and Dedicated servers

What has this will do with a dedicated server you may ask? Well I calculate person like Murdoch has rooms and rooms full of them that he owns himself... But you can't be sure these days the flexibility of furnish and request and paying for it when you need it does rule the roost.

New Model or old hat?

But legitimately this is an very pertinent conversation to be currently having, obviously the uptake of this new stock from Murdoch will be a slow gradient at first and will either crash out and disappear into the ether, or if it's liked by people and the buzz starts to move on it... Many more people will start by subscribing to it. Which of procedure would mean quite an ebb and flow in the request for it, and the request located on the data centres or the data mechanisms that he has in place.

Arguably this poses an very good consulation for cloud servers or off site dedicated servers simply because you're able to ramp up and down your bandwidth and your capacity to suit to user demand. Many small medium enterprises could do well to mimic in a small way what Mr Murdoch has thrown out there in quite a bold move. You know to say, the winners can laugh and the losers can make their own arrangements.

Dedicated Servers, Virtual hidden Servers and Colocation - Applications in a Web 2.0 World

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