Thursday, June 14, 2012

Designing Home and Sme Networks 11 - Getting the Inside Out

There are two main aspects to getting data from your network out onto the Internet:

Allowing your network users to send data out. Allowing Internet users to come and get your data themselves.


1: Allowing your users to send data out.

This is a approved execution that most Internet users perform daily, such as sending emails, texting, tweeting, Instant messaging and posting to blogs and other data services. If you are going to allow it at all from your network, it can be difficult and costly to manage. Most small businesses naturally rely on the discretion of their users. This aspect will be covered in later postings covering security.

2: Allowing Internet users to come and get data.

Especially for businesses, it can be foremost to allow article that you originate or hold on your network out onto the Internet. There are two basic mechanisms to do this:

Export it from your network onto a host elsewhere on the Internet Store it on a server on your network

2.1: Internet hosting: Why would you let your data be held on person else's server(s)?

There are any very good reasons to put your data on an Internet hosting server and allow others to entrance it from there:

What you keep on the Internet is only a copy of the original and therefore, if it gets corrupted or deleted, you can reload it; You don't have to let anonymous Internet users into your network; The user's browser traffic does not use your Internet association bandwidth; You don't have to publicise your own Ip address to Internet users; You can use a dynamic Ip address for your Internet association (Unless your host servers need entrance to your network). If, like many large organisations, you pick to host your network services in a Data Centre, then you can contribute your own hosting for your Internet presence from that data centre. However, this then makes you field to some of the issues mentioned below under hosting your own Internet presence.

There are also any disadvantages to Internet Hosting:

It is difficult to keep your data current, although this is ordinarily sufficient for static content. If you have dynamic content, you need to contribute a channel to whether proactively update the data on the Internet servers or allow the Internet servers to entrance data held on your network in real time. It costs critical amounts of money.

Your ageement with the hosting organisation will decide who is responsible for what but, generally:

2.2: Remote entrance for Internet Users to data on your network

This is where you host your own Internet presence using devices on your own network. ordinarily speaking this is carefully to be a bad idea for small businesses.There are some advantages to doing it, however:

You are in perfect control of your data, and not field to the vagaries of a hosting company. You perform maximum currency for your data, as there are no Internet delays in the middle of your Internet-facing devices and the databases retention your dynamic content.

Against this are the disadvantages:

You need to spend critical amounts of money in securing your network by providing: Separate servers for Internet-accessible services Multiple layers of firewalls and a Dmz to detach Internet traffic from internal network traffic and prevent Internet users accessing your network Proxy services to ensure that any data that is served from within your network to the Internet-facing servers is fully secured. All traffic in the middle of the Internet and your Internet-facing servers traverses your Internet entrance link. This may impact the assistance level ready to your internal network users. You will roughly honestly need some sort of fascinating traffic administration to prevent any peaks in your Internet user traffic (or Denial or assistance attacks) from fully isolating your network from the Internet. You have to make the Ip address of your Internet association public, and it has to be static. Your Internet-facing servers and other devices need to remain switched on at all times.

Generally, these disadvantages make self-hosting of your Internet presence a poor option for most individuals and small businesses.

Designing Home and Sme Networks 11 - Getting the Inside Out

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